Due Sunday, March 8th, Midnight EST​
Concrete Cabaret #15
Saturday April 27th at The Owl’s Club
As Concrete Cabaret’s first-ever ALL AGES show, we are looking for experimental, in-progress pieces appropriate for everyone around the theme of Kid's Revolution! Low-tech and short-form pieces fit our cabaret best—performances ranging from 3-8 minutes with minimal setup and tech are preferred (self-contained/duffle-bag style). We offer a modest honorarium of $100-150 per show.
Deadline to apply is March 8th, midnight, EST
To apply, fill out the google form: https://forms.gle/HHTUKg8QhJso4MHG8
Any provincial and federal COVID safety guidelines will be followed. Mask-friendly environment encouraged.
Any questions, please email us at: concretecabarettoronto@gmail.com