We've Been Busy
Concrete Cabaret is proud to be a supporter and incubator for incredible talent and innovation in material performance. See below for our growing list of performances and performers.
Concrete Cabaret #10 OBJECTO FESTIVAL
November 26th - 27th, 2021, Live at the TRANZAC Club
November 28th, 2021, Exquisite Collaborations Online

Toronto's Experimental Puppetry and Performing Objects Festival happening over 3 days - online and in person!
more info at www.objectofestival.com
LIVE at the TRANZAC Club With:
Corrugated Spectacles
Stephen Jackman-Torkoff
Shahir Krishna
Max Kelly and Matthew Richard
Zen Existentialist Puppet Theatre
Installations by:
Bee Pallomina and Kristine White
Horizon Factory
Music by: Lowfills
Kayla Chambers, Steven Conway, Felicia Cooper, Olivia Costes, Naomi Duvall, Alexa Fraser, Alexander Mantia, Molly McGregor, Zita Nyarady, Greta Papageorgiu & Hugh Probyn, Nina Pariser, Robin Polfuss, Collette Radauz, Eish Van Wieren, and Alex Winfield
Concrete Cabaret #9 SIDEWALK SIDESHOWS
August 8th, 2021 at 2pm and 4pm, Campbell Park
August 14th, 2021 at 2pm and 4pm, Dovercourt Park, with friends Clay and Paper

We created a Future Tales Multiverse with the help of some friends! We took audiences through a carnival-esque experience in their own Westside Toronto park! Including roller coaster rides, refreshments, and magical trash! We had a blast performing in the park for a safely distanced audience. Thanks for joining us.
The Concrete Cabaret Players
Alexander Winfield of Nautilus Theatre
Molly McGregor and Tristan Murphy
Puppet What What
and music by Gabriel Levine, Success Lewis and Woopsie Daisie
Concrete Cabaret #8 SIGNS OF SPRING
April 24th, 2021 7pm, Ticketed event on zoom

Our LIVE lineup includes a variety of LIVE object and puppetry work by artists across North America. We've got ventriloquism, we've got clowns, we've got puppets, shadows, weirdness, and much much more!
What better way to ring in the season than with LIVE signs of life?
Yes, it's SPRING!, it's SPRING!
Performances by:
Max Kelly
Alex Young and Norah Solorzano
Bonnie Kim
Nautilus Theatre
Shaharah Gaznabbi (They/Them) and Rose
Bekky O'Neil
Honeyball Puppetry
and the Concrete Cabaret Players
Concrete Cabaret #7 A VERY SPECIAL Holiday SPECIAL
December 13th, 2020 7pm, Ticketed event on zoom

Seasons are changing. Nights are getting longer. Winter is upon us at the end of a very isolating year. Concrete Cabaret said goodbye to 2020 with their very first holiday special to warm our souls - together - again! The special was full of very special guests, special puns, and special videos working with the medium of performing objects and puppetry.
Featuring: Kith & Kin and Choir, Lynn Jeffries and Paul Zaloom, Ronley Teper, Shadowland Theatre, Daniel A. Kelin, II, Alexa Fraser, Rachel Jackson of Vox Fabuli Puppets, Greta Papageorgiu, Robin RoRo Polfus, Elise Timm-Bottos, Madeline Mckinnell, Vividness (Laura Gillis) and Old Excellent (Michelangelo Iaffaldano)
September, 2020 @ westside of Toronto

We missed everyone too much. Concrete Cabaret created a mobile puppet theatre to perform with periodically in September, mostly in the westside of Toronto, and often unannounced!
Our little experimental puppet cart show features a 6ft physical distancing ruler, a dragon named Echo, some Year-quil to sleep through 2020, and live music.
Featuring Gabriel Levine, Taliesin McEnaney, Alex Montagnese, Annie Katsura Rollins
June 27th, 2020 at 7:30pm EST on youtube live

Archived here (performance begins at 7:58):
This online puppet slam is an exquisite collaboration of 17 participants, working anonymously on different phases of short puppet performances. At the time of the performance, each participant will have participated on four of the final projects, each at a different phase of creation. We like to think this is the virtual puppet version of an exquisite corpse! And, it's a way for us to begin thinking about working and creating and collaborating in this new era - won't you join us?
Afsaneh Zamani
Alex Winfield
Bekky O'Neill
Denise Rogers
Elise Vanase
Greta Papageorgiu and Hugh Probyn
Hayley Reap
Maddy Smart
Madeline McKinnell
Michelangelo Iaffaldano
Mirka Loiselle
Monica Emme
Nina Pariser
R. Reid
Robin RoRo Polfuss
Sarah Tracy
Sequoia Erickson
PANDEMIC Classic Concrete Cabaret #5
May 2nd, 2020 @ 100% Germ-free Pandemic Show ONLINE!!!!

Archived here:
Robin Polfuss
Alex Winfield
Alexandra Montagnese
Claren Grosz
Molly McGregor
Madeline McKinnell
Annie Rollins and Yung Chang
With a very special host: PANDEMIC POTATO
Classic Concrete Cabaret #4
October 22nd, 2019 @ The 3030

Matti Palonen, Kristine White & Jurgita Žvinklytė
Alex Winfield
Trout Lily Theatre collective
Rob and Vonbark as The Zen Existential Puppet Theatre
Sequoia Erickson
Rae Anna Maitland and Joy Ross-Jones
Live Music by Ronley Teper and the Lipliners
Classic Concrete Cabaret #3 - The Future Fossils Edition
(in collaboration with A Museum for Future Fossils)
May 30th, 2019 @ The Tranzac

The Gravy Strugglers
Brothers Karamazov
Alexander Winfield
Kristine White and Bee Pallomina
Sarah Tracy & Kevin Hainey
Brefny Caribou & Paddy MacDonald
Cecilia McKinnon
Marisa Boudreault
Live Music by Kosher Dill Spears
Classic Concrete Cabaret #2 - The Chips Edition
March 22nd, 2019 @ The Baby G

Haley Reap
Jess & Eliza
Denise Rogers & Em Piro as the TRINKETTS
Alex Dault & Chloe Payne
Lily Sutherland
Libby Hague & Von Bark as the Zen Existential Puppet Theatre
Honeyball Puppetry
Sarah Joy Bennett and Alexandra Montagnese
Jamie Shannon
Live Music by Kosher dill spears
Inaugural Concrete Cabaret #1
October 22nd, 2018 @ The Burdock

Max Kelly
Devin O’Brien
Robin Polfuss, Maiko Taku, Lindsay Lee
Murphy Diggon
Abbey Gagnon
Annie Katsura Rollins, Bee Pallomina, Gabriel Levine
Live Music by Max Kelly, Tony Allen and Jesse Corrigan